Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Photo Shoot Sneak Peak!

We weren't planning on doing a newborn shoot, but a good friend of ours is a photographer and offered to do them for free. The boys didn't want to cooperate at first, so I'm not exactly sure how the first few pictures turned out. By the end of the shoot, they were sleeping so soundly and she got some really good shots in! Here are three of my favorites from what she has given us so far:

I plan on blowing them up and framing them soon! I'm going to wait for the rest before I do it though. They're going to be one month old tomorrow and it makes me sad/happy all at the same time. It's amazing how much they've grown in such a short amount of time. They have a appointment with their pediatrician tomorrow. I can't wait to see how much weight they've gained!

And not to brag (because, honestly, whenever I brag on them, they like to prove me wrong...), but Landon slept 7.5 hours last night! Kevin and I couldn't believe it. I kept telling him to make sure he was still breathing! We finally woke him up around 10:30 to eat...I know, I know...don't do that! I'm not planning on this being a nightly occurrence, but it was still nice.

Well, that's all for now! I hope everyone's staying cool and comfy in this heat!

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